Simulation of a tensor display by taking into account aberrations caused by the actual display

  • Swimlane: 2020-2021
  • Column: DONE
  • Position: 1
  • Assignee: Mehrdad Teratani
  • Creator: Mehrdad Teratani
  • Started: 20/09/2022 00:00
  • Created: 27/10/2022 13:07
  • Modified: 26/09/2023 13:09
  • Moved: 26/09/2023 13:09

Summary: Tensor displays are one kind of 3D display. It allows seeing different images from different points of view without wearing any glasses or helmet. One of the major problems concerning tensor displays is that prototypes do not reproduce exactly what is expected as in simulation. Indeed, the materials that are used to build a prototype cannot be considered to work perfectly and thus introduce noise in the reproduction of the 3D content. The goal of this project aims to simulate a model of tensor display that includes non-perfect behaviors of the materials in order to see the impact of the imperfections by simulation. The student is required to (1) do a simulator of a tensor display, (2) model some realistic imperfections that could occur, (3) an (some) interactive method(s) (GUI, command-line, etc.) to adjust the imperfection factors.

Skill required: C/C++ programming, Java/C#

Interested in: computer vision, virtual reality, and programming.

Director: Mehrdad Teratani (

Supervisor: Mehrdad Teratani, Gauthier Lafruit

Support and contact: Armand Losfeld, Eline Soetens

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