IRM carto

  • Swimlane: Current
  • Column: Draft
  • Position: 1
  • Assignee: Olivier Debeir
  • Creator: Olivier Debeir
  • Started:
  • Created: 14/09/2021 08:36
  • Modified: 14/09/2021 08:37
  • Moved: 14/09/2021 08:36
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Olivier Debeir
Olivier Debeir Created at: 14/09/2021 08:36 Updated at: 14/09/2021 08:36

Pierre de Buyl

Sep 13, 2021, 4:53 PM (15 hours ago)

to olivier.debeir
Hello Olivier,

Ca fait longtemps, j'espère que tu vas bien.

Depuis un an, je travaille à l'IRM en imagerie satellite. La supervision
d'étudiants me manque un peu et je me dis que ce qu'on fait pourrait intéresser
des étudiants de polytech.

Est-ce qu'il est encore temps pour envoyer une proposition de projet / mémoire?

Je te mets le brouillon ci-dessous, si ça te dit je t'enverrai une version en PDF A4.

Au cas où ça te parle, je bosse avec Nicolas Clerbaux qui a fait polytech à l'ULB.


Pierre - EuroSciPy

M.Sc. Thesis / research internship at the Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium (RMIB)

Since the 70s, weather scientists use satellites to observe the Earth. In the team "Remote Sensing from Space" of RMIB, we use such satellite imagery to measure the Earth Radiation Budget (ERB): the energy flux entering and leaving the atmosphere. We work with the dedicated Geostationary ERB sensor on the Meteosat Second Generation satellite, the Copernicus Climate Data Store, and data from foreign satellites.

There are several possible directions for doing an internship or M.Sc. thesis within our group:

Use satellite data to measure the outgoing radiation at the top of the atmosphere.

Use the new data from RMIB's SIMBA cubesat for the ERB.

Implement or improve algorithms for satellite imagery.

Compare data from consolidated sources such as ERA5 and/or from different satellites.

Design analysis workflows from the IT perspective, including prototyping cloud workloads.

Contact us to discuss the orientation that matches best your academic interests. For all projects, there will be computer programming in either C (our operational codes, for instance) or Python (using open-source packages such as satpy).